Can we blog about other books that are not assigned to our team?

Absolutely! The more writing about books we have on the blog, the better!!!

What kind of time frame do we have for the first round? 

Us Mighty Smack-downers are a flexible bunch. We have roughly 16 weeks to complete each round...and we anticipate that there will be 4 rounds (see tournament schedule). So that gives us a 4 weeks per round as a general guideline. So roughly speaking...

Round one should wrap up by March 7th-ish
Round two should wrap up by April 4th-ish
Round three should wrap up by May 2nd-ish
Round four should wrap up by June 6th-ish

Please remember, as noted above, all teams are allowed/encouraged to read books that have not been assigned to their teams...and write about them....if they want. :)

How is it decided what books/schools make it to the next round?

All school teams advance to the next round. Each team forwards a book into the next round and we see from there which books will go all the way....All teams (are kind of) winners...it's the books that are on the hot seat...which book will make it to the final? As to how the books advance, the teams read their book(s) and then forward the one they think is best...based 
on whatever criteria...teams  can explain in the blog post...

What needs to be in my blog post?
We get this question a lot. The answer is that it is totally up to you. Remember the real goal of this competition to is to read, explore and discuss YA fiction. So, blog about what catches your fancy, what you found interesting, revolting, what you recommend, what you think...you get the idea. There is no 'right' way to blog about your book. Check out the HOME page on this blog to see examples of what others are doing...

How Do I Blog? (Technical help)
Click this link for help on setting up your Blogger profile in this blog. Contact Janice if you need more help!

What do I do if my question is not listed here?

Send an email to Janice and she will update this page!

Happy Reading!

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